COAT Conversations August webinar – Dying to know

COTA NSW’s August webinar, Dying to Know – Talking to loved ones about deathtackles a difficult but vital topic.

Communicating with loved ones and setting your wishes in place can help make sure the last part of your life is as close as possible to the way you want it to be. It’s important  to do this before it’s too late, or things can become very stressful for everyone concerned.

Hear advice  from a panel of experts on holding these tough conversations and making sure you have made your wishes clear.


Shayne Higson is the CEO of Dying With Dignity NSW, the advocacy organisation that was largely responsible for NSW achieving voluntary assisted dying law reform in May this year.

Dr Kerrie Noonan is the clinical psychologist, social researcher, innovator and founder of Dying to Know Day, working to create a more death literate society.

Karen Riley is a holistic therapies practitioner and end-of-life doula, facilitating and supporting clients and their loved ones through the end stage of life.