COTA Conversations February webinar – Avoiding Internet Scams

As government and business move more services and information online, the proliferation of internet scams has grown exponentially and are also becoming more sophisticated. Join COTA NSW and our panel of experts to discuss what to look out for to avoid a scam and where to go for help if you are impacted by one.


Brett Levy is the Director at the Australian Seniors Computer Clubs Assocation (ASCCA).
Brett is someone who specialises in all things digital. He has consulted, designed, planned, built and executed application design and development for companies all over the world.
Brett is on the board of ASCCA and will provide valuable insights into protecting your information online.

Angela Orokity is the Assistant Director of Identity Security and Scams Communication at the Fraud and Identity Assurance Branch of Services Australia.
Angela believes that scams education is the best form of prevention. Angela works at Services Australia and can provide insight into some of the scams that are targeting government websites. What to look out for and where to get help.