COTA NSW produces two main types of submissions.

Pre-budget submissions

COTA NSW produces a pre-budget submission each year. We make recommendations to the NSW government in relation to issues affecting older people, with particular focus on the NSW Ageing Strategy. We also produce a policy platform in election years.

Other submissions

COTA NSW responds to many requests for comment and input to government inquiries, discussion papers, and draft strategies, standards and legislation that relate to and affect older people.  We consult our members and supporters to provide a balanced and constructive representation of their views.

Inquiry on the Residential Tenancies Amendment (Rental Fairness) Bill 2023

Legislative Assembly Select Committee.
Residential Tenancies Amendment (Rental Fairness) Bill 2023

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Proposed Interment Industry Scheme

The scheme aims to provide clearer standards and requirements for burial and cremation services, including a licensing system for the interment industry.

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Digital Identity and Inclusion in NSW

COTA NSW submission

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Enquiry into Embedded Networks in NSW

Embedded networks are private electricity and gas networks, typically in apartment blocks, retirement villages and caravan parks, where the owner of a site purchases energy from a retailer and then on-sells it to residents, with issues arising around the charges levied.

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