You can help improve policy and services for older people by participating in research.

Please note, if you are sending us a request to be on this page, please give us the closing date for participants.

COTA NSW Research opportunities

COTA NSW consults people over 50 in NSW on important policy issues.

We achieve this through annual surveys, focus groups, one-on-one or small group interviews and workshops. The way we consult with the community is dynamic and responsive to the needs of different geographic areas and different groups.

The feedback we receive during these consultations is vital in informing and contributing to COTA NSW’s research papers, such as our annual 50+ report. It also informs our ongoing work on policy affecting older people, as well as advocating on behalf of older people to government and other agencies.

Partner Research opportunities include:

The Faculty of Medicine and Health at Sydney university are seeking volunteers for a study to evaluate the effect of a simple adjustment to your walking to reduce knee symptoms. It involves a six-week supervised walking program. Complete the screening questionnaire. For more information contact or phone 02 8627 0030. Ongoing.

Researchers at the University of Sydney are looking for volunteers for a study on ways to motivate and support people to stay on track with their treatment plan for low back pain. You may be eligible if you have visited a GP, physiotherapist, or chiropractor for treatment for low back pain in the past six months, and have access to a smartphone or computer. The study involves periodically completing online surveys, and you may also be invited to take part in a free health coaching program delivered over the phone. More information. Recruiting until June 2023.

Neuroscience Research Australia is also conducting a large, two-year study aimed at improving the driving skills of older people. Participants will receive some form of driver training with the goal of identifying which intervention is best to keep older drivers on the road for longer. They are looking for volunteers aged 65 and older, who have a current drivers licence and third party insurance, and have no significant health concerns that affect their driving. This is separate from the Older driver study below. More information and expressions of interest. Closing date early 2023.

The FAITH (Frailty, Ageing and Inflammation Trial for Health) study at the University of NSW is looking for people aged 60-70 to take part in research on the effect of nutritional supplements on health status, particularly on frailty, ageing, etc. It will involve taking supplements, providing samples and taking part in interviews. There are various exclusions including people with bowel disease, diabetes and those already taking fibre or antioxidant supplements. To register interest contact Milena Katz on Ongoing.

A research coalition including the University of Technology Sydney, the University of Wollongong, the Dementia Alliance International and People with Disability Australia is looking at how to redress violence, abuse and neglect of people with dementia who live in residential aged care. They are inviting people with dementia who have been neglected or abused in residential aged care, and their carers, family members, advocates and lawyers, to participate in a focus group or interview. There are in-person and online options, and a voucher for your time and travel costs. Register your interest. Ongoing.

The Institute for Musculoskeletal Health at Sydney University wants more consumer input on their research projects. They are looking for volunteers who experience bone, joint or muscle pain and are interested in healthy ageing, disability and physical activity to join their consumer advisory registry. Once you are on the registry you will receive information about upcoming projects and can decide which ones you would like to hear more about and provide feedback on. For information contact Charlotte McLennan on 0295159994 or information about the institute’s research. Ongoing.

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