Good policy has a major impact on people’s lives. When implemented, a good policy can be transformative. But too often, policies are developed and implemented by Government without considering the impacts they will have on older people.

Good policy begins with community consultation

COTA NSW is the peak body in the ageing sector and a respected player in the policy field. We are unique as an organisation because our policy positions and recommendations are based on extensive community consultation.

To develop our policies we combine the information from our community consultation with our knowledge and understanding of current government practice, collaboration with other peak organisations, and review of other research and reports by government, academia and other community organisations.

When we present our policies to politicians and policy makers, they know they are directly informed by the older people of NSW.

Policy Positions

COTA NSW produces policy position statements on issues of importance to older people.

Housing Options for Older People

End of Life Care and Choices

Public and Community Transport

Mature Age Employment

Financial Security

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Our Policies

To develop our policies we require information from our community through community consultation. Find out about our consultation activities and when you can get involved.