OM:NI Older Men New Ideas

Where men become mates

OM:NI is for men aged over 50. It is about mateship, developing connections, listening to other men and sharing joys, sorrows, achievements and hopes.

OM:NI groups are unique in creating a safe male-only sharing experience. Through this members may be able to reduce loneliness, address issues that affect their lives, and enhance their health, well-being and lifestyle in retirement. They can also have a yarn and a laugh!

Local groups generally meet fortnightly. Each one is crafted and managed by its members, so no two groups are identical and each one has its own character. The groups are not political, they are not an activity or service group, and they are not anti-women.

Group meetings generally have a facilitator which rotates between members. They include an initial quiet moment to settle into the meeting, a time when members can share confidential matters without being interrupted, a more general catch up on events since the last meeting, and lastly informal chat over coffee. There may also be a specific discussion topic.

If you enjoy your first meeting, you’ll be asked to register and pay a small affiliation fee the second time around. This is collected in your group.

OM:NI Older Men New Ideas

OM:NI’s mission is to enhance the health, well-being and lifestyle of older men through small community-based men’s groups which typically meet on a fortnightly basis.

OM:NI aims to empower older men to take greater control of their lives, and to enhance their health, well-being and lifestyle in retirement.

OM:NI addresses older men’s holistic health needs; not only their physical but also emotional, psychological and spiritual health.

OM:NI can become a portal through which older men can achieve fulfillment in their “third age” in company with like-minded peers.

  • To improve the overall health of older men.
  • To create more meaningful friendships.
  • To draw on the experience, knowledge and wisdom of older men.
  • To promote policies, practices and activities which enhance the health & well-being of older men.
  • To empower older men to take greater control of their lives.

Griffith, NSW

Meets at Mirrool Room 2, Griffith Ex-Services Club, every 2nd Monday, 2pm-4pm.

Contact: Mick Sheehan

Holbrook, NSW

Tamworth, NSW

Tamnet Men’s Group meets at the back of Christian Outreach Centre, 156 Marius Street, every Monday from 10:00am to 12:00pm.

Contact: Phil Jones

Tomaree (Nelson Bay), NSW

Meets at the RSL Memorial Club on the 2nd and 4th Friday of the month, 10am-12pm.

Contact: Ron McLachlan

West Wyalong, NSW

Contact: Terry Butcher

Wagga Wagga

There are three groups. They all meet at the Ham Radio Building, Small Street.
Groups 1 and 2 meet from 9.30am-12pm on alternate Fridays, and Group 3 meets every second Thursday, 10am-12pm.

Group 1: Peter McCallum
Group 2: Des Booth


There are 25 groups throughout Victoria.

Contact: Peter Clark
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Making a difference for older people

If you’d like to make a positive impact for older people and help empower others, we’d love to hear from you.