Get in touch with us at COTA NSW

  • PO Box Q349, Queen Victoria Building, NSW 1230

COTA NSW wants to hear from you

Is there an issue that concerns or affects you as an older person? COTA NSW would like to hear from you.

If you’d like to give us feedback on an issue that is concerning or affecting you, please use our Send us a message form. If this is personally affecting you and you can give details, that would be great. We would not give your name if we used this information and you would be completely anonymous.

However, if you feel strongly about an issue and would be willing to speak to the media about it, please let us know. We often get requests for people to be interviewed about particular things that might affect them, such as health, housing or public transport. We realise it’s not for everyone, but it can make a story much more powerful if someone is able to describe their own particular situation.

Become a Member

Becoming an individual member of COTA is a great way to support our work for the interests and needs of older people in NSW. Members receive some super benefits as well.