COTA NSW is the peak organisation for people over 50 in NSW. We’re an independent, consumer-based non-government organisation. We work with politicians, policy makers, service providers and the media to make sure the views of older people are heard and listened to.
HEALTH: Insomnia and what to do about it
5 June 2023
Several chronic physical illnesses, chronic pain, stress, anxiety, depression, and loneliness can…
The Hidden Toll of the Cost-of-Living Crisis on NSW Carers
30 May 2023
New research released by the COTA (Council on the Aging) Federation has revealed that a staggering…
SECURE AGEING: Workplaces Need to Address Ageism
29 May 2023
Diversity and inclusivity isn’t always the case in Australian workplaces. More than half a million…
SECURE AGEING: Older Renters are Hurting Too
8 May 2023
There has been a lot in the media recently about the challenges that some renters are facing in New…
SECURE AGEING: Driving in Older Age – Living without a Licence
24 April 2023
Driving a vehicle is a source of mobility, security and independence. With age, retaining a licence…
Preventing Falls with April Falls Month
11 April 2023
April marks April Falls Month organised by NSW Falls Prevention and Healthy Ageing Network…
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Monthly webinar series
COTA Watch is a monthly webinar series where we invite experts from all walks of life to talk about a range of topics of interest to our supporters.