COTA NSW is the peak organisation for people over 50 in NSW. We’re an independent, consumer-based non-government organisation. We work with politicians, policy makers, service providers and the media to make sure the views of older people are heard and listened to.

Elder abuse in our community - COTA NSW media

COMMUNITY: Shining a light on Elder Abuse in our Community – Raising awareness and taking action

As our society continues to age, the issue of elder abuse has become increasingly prominent. Elder…

Health insomnia - COTA NSW media

HEALTH: Insomnia and what to do about it

Several chronic physical illnesses, chronic pain, stress, anxiety, depression, and loneliness can…

Cost of living crisis - COTA NSW media

The Hidden Toll of the Cost-of-Living Crisis on NSW Carers

New research released by the COTA (Council on the Aging) Federation has revealed that a staggering…

Ageism in the workplace - COTA NSW media

SECURE AGEING: Workplaces Need to Address Ageism

Diversity and inclusivity isn’t always the case in Australian workplaces. More than half a million…

Older renters - COTA NSW media

SECURE AGEING: Older Renters are Hurting Too

There has been a lot in the media recently about the challenges that some renters are facing in New…

Living without a licence - COTA NSW media

SECURE AGEING: Driving in Older Age – Living without a Licence

Driving a vehicle is a source of mobility, security and independence. With age, retaining a licence…

Monthly webinar series

COTA Watch is a monthly webinar series where we invite experts from all walks of life to talk about a range of topics of interest to our supporters.