Ageing in Australia is a time of possibility, opportunity and influence within an equitable, just and inclusive society in which the voices of older Australians are respected and strong.

We promote the rights, interests and futures of Australians as they age.

COTA NSW acknowledges the unique status of Australia’s First Peoples as the original people of this land. We recognise their cultures, histories and ongoing relationship and obligations to the land, sky and waterways.

In the spirit of reconciliation, COTA NSW acknowledges all traditional custodians of the lands we today know as New South Wales.

These homelands are ancient and sacred and First Nations people have a deep sense of belonging, both ancient and contemporary: because they are part of the world’s oldest surviving, living culture on the planet.

COTA NSW is on a journey and we reflect on the original people of this land, and the role that Elders and older people have within communities, both traditional and contemporary.

Elders and older people are revered as pivotal contributors to community life and families functioning well. They are the influencers in children and grandchildren’s lives and sometimes the lines are blurred between Aunties, Uncles and grandparents who all have an important role to play in growing up in the next generations to understand life, society and culture.

Respect – we respect and value the contribution and lived experience of Australians as they age and support each person’s right to make choices and to participate in their community.

Diversity – we value the great diversity that characterises Australians of all ages and are committed to genuine exchange and engagement with all older people in Australia.

Equity – we recognise the impact of system, inequalities, disadvantage and discrimination on Australians as they age and are committed to speaking out on these issues to achieve our vision.

Collaborative engagement – we communicate and engage collaboratively, especially with diversity of older people, and also with our members, with our partners, and with the Australian community to achieve the vision and purpose of COTA NSW.

Integrity – we operate ethically, openly, honestly and with accountability in all our interactions.

Meaningful engagement – COTA NSW engages with a wide range of older people around NSW to understand the lived experiences of individuals, families and carers.

COTA NSW recognises that its key strength has always been as a voice for older people. Our policy positions, advocacy and other activities are strongly informed both by scholarly research, and by our consultations with our members and supporters across NSW to understand their experiences and needs, with the aim of enhancing the lived experiences of older people. We can only do this by developing meaningful, multi-layered engagement across the work of the organisation.

Strong, credible leadership and authoritative advocate – COTA NSW is the credible and informed voice for and of older people in NSW, and is influential in driving debate in, and policy change for, the community.

As the voice of older people in NSW, we are independent in the positions we take, and we are strong and convincing in the way we take them. We will continue to build our brand and our voice by enhancing our communications ability, developing our position on a range of issues where we are able to lead and promote solution-focused actions that will positively impact the lives of the older people of NSW.

Excellence in programs and services – COTA NSW provides programs and services that are responsive and tailored to the needs and interests of older people.

COTA NSW has a history of providing programs and services for older people that are accessible and relevant. We will continue to build programs and services that reflect the diversity of older people across NSW, respond to their needs and interest, and where appropriate, support the implementation of the NSW Ageing Strategy.

Capable and sustainable organisation – COTA NSW will invest in innovation, develop effective partnerships, implement best practice processes, and further seek to diversify funding to ensure we are best placed to achieve our strategic goals.

COTA NSW knows that to provide the best service to older people in NSW, we need to be a modern, externally facing organisation which is sustainable, well-governed, respected and independent. We will continue to build the capacity of the organisation and developing new approaches to funding.

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Good policy has a major impact on people’s lives. When implemented, a good policy can be transformative.