“Feeling connected to a community can support a person to participate in the social and economic life of that place. It can also enable them to realise their own potential and contribute to better health outcomes.”

In September 2020, more than 7,500 older people in NSW participated in COTA NSW’s annual survey – this time looking at the issues of connection to community. Following the survey, we conducted eight focus groups with older people from across NSW to explore the issues in more depth.

This video shows the launch of the resulting report – Connections and Community – a sense of belonging. A second report entitled Connections in COVID, looked specifically at how older people coped during the COVID restrictions.

Speakers sharing their their unique perspectives on this vital issue include: Robert Fitzgerald AM, the NSW Ageing and Disability Commissioner; Dr Michelle Lim, Chair of the Ending Loneliness Together; and COTA volunteer Pete Newman.