The 2021 State of the Older Nation report is based on research commissioned by the federation of nine Councils on the Ageing (COTA) across Australia to understand the views, life experiences and needs of Australians aged 50+. It tells a story of an older generation often experiencing ageism, who less often perceive themselves as happy, healthy, financially secure or connected to community than the previous report in 2018.

The launch of this landmark report is hosted by COTA NSW CEO Meagan Lawson and the:


Emeritus Professor Anne Edwards AO (Chair of the COTA South Australia and immediate past President of the COTA Federation)

Sue Leitch, CEO of COTA Tasmania

Russ Gluyas from ACON (Aids Council of NSW), who coordinates the LOVE (Living Older Visibly Engaged) Project.

Edith Chen, a long-term volunteer with COTA Victoria who has been involved in peer education and building networks among older Asian people in Melbourne.