COTA Conversations September webinar – Get your green thumb: Gardening and nutrition

Gardening and growing your own food is a great way to stay active, learn a new skill, and get more delicious fresh fruit and vegetables into your diet. As spring begins, it’s the perfect time to start planting ahead of summer. Join COTA NSW and our panel of experts to hear about how growing your own food can help you stay fit and healthy as you age.


Ngaire Hobbins is a dietitian and keen gardener, driven by a desire to ensure that all people enjoying their senior years understand their different nutrition needs and maximise their brain health.

Toni Salter is a horticulturist, author and talk-back radio show guest with a passion for organic principles, who has helped hundreds of people to grow great tasting, healthy food on their own balconies, backyards and acreages.

Phillip Pettit is an educator, horticultural advisor and community development worker who is part of the Botanic Gardens’ Community Greening program, working to inspire social housing residents in community gardening.

Chris Smyth from Community Gardens Australia, where people come together to grow fresh food, to learn, relax and make new friends.